About the Google EarthTM Manual

The intent of this project is to provide teachers with little Google EarthTM experience the information and ideas that will enable them to develop high quality, good looking lessons using the Google EarthTM geospatial tool.
During the winter of 2006 - 2007, the manual was field tested by a group of Earth Science teachers under the guidance of several experienced mentors.

This edition of the manual was published in May of 2007 in both online and .pdf versions.


Thanks to the following educators for their contributions as field testers of this manual

Martha Calaban
Eric Cohen
Robert Dedrick
Mark Dineen
Kevin Finerghty
Jessica Floridia
Kathleen Gavin
Nicole LaDue
Karen Manning
Sue Mitchell
Bob Mozer
Tracy Varaili
Bethany Weisberger
Kristin Woodell

Steve Kluge - Project Director and Author
Drew Patrick - Author
Eric Fermann - Author

Use Permissions

This work was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (EAR-0426260).

All screenshots and images courtesy of Google Earth™ mapping service.

The user of this manual is granted the right, without any fee or cost, to access and use this manual for any non-profit training, research, or educational purpose and not for any direct or indirect commercial purpose or advantage. Any copyright notices contained in this manual shall remain intact and unaltered and shall be affixed to any subsequent reproduction of materials from this manual. To reproduce or adapt the Google images for any purpose outside of this publication you must obtain explicit written permission from Google. The user must include an appropriate citation crediting the source of all or any portion of this manual as follows:

"The source of this material is the Digital Library for Earth System Education website at http://www.dlese.org. All Rights Reserved. © UCAR 2007"